How does a water softener work?

Water softeners work by removing calcium and magnesium ions in the water. This prevents build-ups from occurring in showers or faucets, and clogs. It also helps prevent damage to household items.

All softeners operate on a similar basis: exchanging hardness mineral for sodium. A control valve is used to release salt solution into the mineral tank from a brine container. This process recharges resin beads by adding sodium ions.

Ion Exchange

Ion-exchange water softeners remove hardness-causing minerals like calcium and magnesium using a resin bed. As water passes the softener hardness ions bond with resin particles. They are then exchanged for ions of sodium.

When the resin becomes low on sodium, it is replenished using a solution of brine. A control device monitors the operation of the water softener and activates a regeneration cycle when necessary. Countercurrent regeneration cycles require less salt and water as they start at top of mineral tanks with less depleted beds and then distribute the sodium ions more equally across the tank.

Ion exchange is a cost effective and efficient way to soften water for your home. It has several advantages compared to lime soda for industrial or municipal applications.


Over time the resin beads inside your water-softener can become coated in hardness minerals, such as Calcium and Magnesium. This coating will need to be removed periodically to restore your water-softener's ability. When this occurs, you will need to clean the resin beads in order to restore your water softener's ability. This process is known by the name of regeneration.

Its regeneration cycle begins with the production of brine, which is then passed through the water-softener system to flush hardness minerals out and replenish the sodium ions.

With demand regeneration, your control can track household water consumption and automatically initiate cycles of regeneration when needed. This softens water without adding excess sodium waste to your septic or causing waste to go into your septic. The time-initiated method of regeneration, however, causes the water softener to start regenerating after a predetermined time has passed regardless of whether or not water has been consumed.


Water softeners provide one of the most effective solutions for modern plumbing. They eliminate the hardness-causing magnesium and calcium minerals that adhere to pipes, causing scale formation and reducing the lifespan of appliances like washing machines, dishwashers and hot water tanks. Ion-exchange technology replaces minerals ions with sodium to provide cleaner and safer water for your entire family.

Although some maintenance tasks can be performed by you, it is recommended that you hire a qualified service technician to inspect and clean your system on a regular basis. A technician will inspect the components and brine tank for crud buildup, as well as for salt bridges. This can prevent your softener working properly.

They can also test the water in your well to determine if it contains contaminants. If so, they can recommend a course of action.


Water softeners can be a great asset to those living in areas that have hard water. They will eliminate the problem of spots on dishes and skin, as well as scale buildup within pipes and appliances. To ensure maximum performance and longevity, the water softener should always be located near the main entry to your system. This is usually the water meter.

Most water softeners are equipped with bypass valves at their inlet/outlet to allow you temporary bypass the unit for maintenance and plumbing projects around the home. Water softeners have drains which are used for regeneration. They should be at least ten feet away from your softener. This will reduce backflow and airbreaks.

Speedy's Plumbing

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Water softeners work by removing calcium and magnesium ions in the water. This prevents build-ups from occurring in showers or faucets, and clogs. It also helps prevent damage to household items. All softeners operate on a similar basis: exchanging hardness mineral for sodium. A control valve is used to release salt solution into the mineral…