How Does Water Softener Works?

Water softeners, which are mechanical devices, remove calcium ions and magnesium ions, from the household water. They prevent buildups in showers, clogs in pipes, and damage to household equipment.

All softeners are based on the same basic principle: exchange minerals of hardness for sodium. A control valve releases a salt solution from an brine tank in the mineral tank, which then recharges resin bead with sodium ions.

Ion Exchange

Ion exchange water-softeners use a bed of resin to remove hardness causing calcium and magnesium minerals. As water flows through the softener's resin bed, hardness particles bind to the resin before being changed for sodium ions.

When the sodium ions in the resin are low, they can be replenished with a salt solution. A control knob monitors water softener operations and activates cycles of regeneration as needed. Countercurrent cycles use less water and salt because they start on the top of mineral tank where there is less depleted bed resin and distribute sodium ions across the tank more evenly.

Ion Exchange Softening is a cost efficient and effective solution for residential needs. It offers several advantages to lime soda softening, such as lower capital costs and simplified requirements for maintenance.


Over time your water conditioner's resin beads can become coated by hardness materials like Calcium Magnesium Iron. You will need to perform periodic regenerations to restore their ability to soften. In this case, a cleaning process should be performed to restore the softened water production.

Salt is produced into brine which is then passed by your water softener. The salt solution flushes away hardness mineral from its system, and the sodium ions replenish the resin to restart softening.

With demand regeneration set, your control will track household water use and initiate regenerations automatically when needed. This way, you get softened drinking water without having to worry about excess sodium or waste going into your septic tank. However, with time-initiated regenerating, the water softener will begin to regenerate after a specified time regardless of how many gallons of water have been consumed.


Water softeners are a great way to improve the performance of modern plumbing systems. They can eliminate the hardness causing calcium and magnesium minerals which cause scale to form in pipes, reducing the life of appliances such hot water heaters. The Ion Exchange Technology replaces the mineral ions in your water with sodium. This results in cleaner and safer drinking waters for you and your family.

Although some maintenance can be done by yourself, it's best to hire an experienced technician for routine inspections and system cleaning. A technician can check the brine tank, components and other parts for crud. They can also check for salt bridging which can cause your softener to not work properly.

Not only can they ensure that your water is softened properly and completes its regeneration cycle but they can also test and identify contaminants in your water. If your water is particularly dirty, they will recommend a treatment.


Installing a softener in hard water areas will greatly benefit those who live there. It will help eliminate spotsty dishes, skin dryness and scale accumulation in pipes and appliances. If you want to get the best performance out of your water softener, it should be located close to its main point. For most people, this means near their pressure tank or water meter.

Most softeners include a bypass feature at the inlet or outlet. You can use this to bypass your softener temporarily during maintenance or plumbing jobs around your home. Water softeners feature drains during regeneration. These drains must be at least 10 ft away from your water softener.

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Water softeners, which are mechanical devices, remove calcium ions and magnesium ions, from the household water. They prevent buildups in showers, clogs in pipes, and damage to household equipment. All softeners are based on the same basic principle: exchange minerals of hardness for sodium. A control valve releases a salt solution from an brine tank…